Wbg partners welcome staff back to the office

The partners at Glasgow Accountants Wbg are celebrating the return of staff members old and new to the office to start new hybrid working practices in a safe air-purified environment.

Donald McKinnon, managing partner, said: “The last year has seen us all working remotely, learning new technology to work effectively. But while we’ve become skilled at remote working, we’ve missed the social interaction and the routine of office life so we are delighted to welcome staff back to the office.”

To support the opportunity for better work-life balance, the firm will not return to an office-based five day/week working pattern. Instead, it is offering staff a hybrid working model allowing flexibility to staff members old and new.

“We wish to support a healthy, happy and socially interactive environment going forward and believe this produces a positive culture for staff and clients,” said Mr McKinnon.

Ahead of its reopening, Wbg became the first office in Glasgow to protect its staff with the installation of the world’s smartest Aura Air purification technology.

Mr McKinnon said: “We are already seeing the benefits of a cleaner working environment and if we can reduce annual seasonal sickness days through installing these air purification technologies, that has to be a good thing for all concerned."

For further information please contact Donald McKinnon on 0141 566 7000